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Get cyber insurance from multiple carriers with few easy steps
Built by
Telivy, Inc
Visible on
Stripe Dashboard
Works with
All Stripe Dashboard pages
Supported languages
English (United States)
Easy insurance application to fill out and submit
Fill out the insurance application quickly with the data you already have on Stripe. Telivy also uses third-party services to prefill other sections. The application also offers guidance and tool tips to help fill out questions regarding security posture and organization.
Get quotes from multiple carriers with coverage comparison and a recommendation
Get cyber insurance quotes from multiple carriers and purchase using a completely digitized checkout process. Telivy also offers helpful tips on purchasing the right cyber policy and coverage given the unique security risks of the SMB.
Immediate quotes depending on profile
We can return quotes within few minutes if you fit our Instant Quoting profile - less than $30 million in revenue, no operations in Crypto, Gambling or Pornography and no aggregate digital risk or industries of high cyber risk. Our agents often procure more quotes and reach out within 24 hours.
Based in
United States
Telivy is a cyber insurance marketplace. Need insurance to meet compliance requirements? With us, you can get quotes from multiple cyber carriers and purchase using our digitized checkout flow with a few easy steps. Telivy uses third party data services to pre-fill your application and offer helpful tips on purchasing the right policy to protect your business from cyber risk.
Once installed, Telivy will be permitted access to your Stripe data as described below.
App listing logo
Get cyber insurance from multiple carriers with few easy steps
Easy insurance application to fill out and submit
Fill out the insurance application quickly with the data you already have on Stripe. Telivy also uses third-party services to prefill other sections. The application also offers guidance and tool tips to help fill out questions regarding security posture and organization.
Get quotes from multiple carriers with coverage comparison and a recommendation
Get cyber insurance quotes from multiple carriers and purchase using a completely digitized checkout process. Telivy also offers helpful tips on purchasing the right cyber policy and coverage given the unique security risks of the SMB.
Immediate quotes depending on profile
We can return quotes within few minutes if you fit our Instant Quoting profile - less than $30 million in revenue, no operations in Crypto, Gambling or Pornography and no aggregate digital risk or industries of high cyber risk. Our agents often procure more quotes and reach out within 24 hours.
Built by
Telivy, Inc
Visible on
Stripe Dashboard
Works with
All Stripe Dashboard pages
Supported languages
English (United States)
Telivy is a cyber insurance marketplace. Need insurance to meet compliance requirements? With us, you can get quotes from multiple cyber carriers and purchase using our digitized checkout flow with a few easy steps. Telivy uses third party data services to pre-fill your application and offer helpful tips on purchasing the right policy to protect your business from cyber risk.
Based in
United States
Once installed, Telivy will be permitted access to your Stripe data as described below.
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