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Corgi Labs
AI + analytics to reduce payment fraud and unblock >5% revenue
Built by
Corgi Labs
Visible on
Stripe Dashboard
Works with
All Stripe Dashboard pages
Supported languages
English (United States)
Fraud Analytics Dashboard
Deeper transaction and fraud analytics related to your Stripe business. Decode concepts like dispute rates and chargebacks, visibility on your entire payment flow and customer dropoffs, and insights on how to improve your bottom line.
AI-generated Radar rules
Generated via the proprietary CORGI (Clustering Optimized Rule Generation Intelligence) algorithm to proactively prevent payment fraud and unblock revenue. Optimized for high precision and high recall, these rules are the key to unblocking additional revenue for your business.
Based in
United States
Corgi Labs is AI software to reduce dispute rates, stop payment fraud and unblock revenue. The Corgi Labs app brings our advanced fraud prevention capabilities into Stripe so you can start unblocking revenue in just a few clicks.
Once installed, Corgi Labs will be permitted access to your Stripe data as described below.
App listing logo
Corgi Labs
AI + analytics to reduce payment fraud and unblock >5% revenue
Fraud Analytics Dashboard
Deeper transaction and fraud analytics related to your Stripe business. Decode concepts like dispute rates and chargebacks, visibility on your entire payment flow and customer dropoffs, and insights on how to improve your bottom line.
AI-generated Radar rules
Generated via the proprietary CORGI (Clustering Optimized Rule Generation Intelligence) algorithm to proactively prevent payment fraud and unblock revenue. Optimized for high precision and high recall, these rules are the key to unblocking additional revenue for your business.
Built by
Corgi Labs
Visible on
Stripe Dashboard
Works with
All Stripe Dashboard pages
Supported languages
English (United States)
Corgi Labs is AI software to reduce dispute rates, stop payment fraud and unblock revenue. The Corgi Labs app brings our advanced fraud prevention capabilities into Stripe so you can start unblocking revenue in just a few clicks.
Based in
United States
Once installed, Corgi Labs will be permitted access to your Stripe data as described below.
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